What Happens in a Trager Session?


Written by: Ruth Bucher

After the usual formalities, the TRAGER practitioner first takes you through movements to help you slow your pace and allow you to arrive in the presence, to encourage body awareness, and initiate relaxation in tight areas. Then on the table, she gently brings sensations of softness and weightlessness to your muscles and lightly moves your joints to increase flexibility and fluidity.

A TRAGER practitioner lets your body remember how it feels to be and to move without pain.

After the session your body feels softer and lighter. You are more aware of how it is connected, and how much more responsive it is to movement.

Your body is deeply relaxed, yet you are consciously alert. You can breathe again. 

Your body and spirit already feel better. 
Your feet are firmly planted on the ground, but 
You feel light enough to dance among the clouds. 
You are not hurt anymore. 
You feel human again.

The TRAGER Approach to Psychophysical Integration is intriguingly versatile. For instance, somebody with severe neuropathy usually appreciates a steady, soft touch with focus and intention, more similar to energy work. Another client enjoys a more vigorous session with firmer touch and more dynamic movements. In Trager work, the practitioner adjusts touch to the condition of the client’s body. Whether it is firm or light, touch is always soft and comfortable because the practitioner’s hands are always relaxed and her/his body at ease. This essentially is the secret behind the sustainability of the TRAGER Approach for clients as well as for practitioners.

No lotions, cremes, or oils are used with this modality. This allows the practitioner to work with clients who are extremely allergic to any kinds of oils, lotions, or fragrances. Clients who are very modest can stay dressed and still receive a session with excellent results. 

About the Author:

Ruth Bucher has been a licensed massage therapist since 1995, massage therapy instructor and pre-approved continuing education provider since 2009, a certified TRAGER Practitioner since 2000, and TRAGER introductory workshop leader since 2014.

Ruth is originally from Switzerland and a naturalized citizen of her chosen home country since 2004. She is now working out of her home office in Fort Worth, where she offers professional massage therapy and TRAGER sessions, as well as small-group, personal, hands-on continuing education classes including Introduction to TRAGER Workshops.

This year she has thrown herself into the new adventure and challenge of organizing the first ever TRAGER training in the DFW area, with the hope of introducing this wonderful modality to many of her colleagues.

Find more information at http://www.celestinetherapy.com/.

Trager, Mentastics, and the Dancing Cloud Logo are registered service marks of Trager International.